Saturday 8 August 2015

Jasper National Park 6th August

It was a free day but several of us wanted to go for a trek at Maligne Lake so Zoe drove us the 50kms. En rout a bear was crossing the road and several cars had stopped and people had got out to take photos...which is not what you ought to do in bear country as you are safest inside the vehicle but very exposed if the bear turns nasty. The road was blocked with rubber neckers but a few blasts on the horn drove the bear away and the blockage cleared.

There were plenty of signs warning of caribou but we had seen perhaps up to a dozen between the town and the campsite and more than we did up this particular valley.

We stopped at Medicine Lake, also known as the disappearing lake as it drains in winter. There are pot hole sin the lake bed and when the in flow of water in winter reduces, the water flows out through the underground cave system and the lake literally disappears.

 Whilst walking to the trailhead, one fisherman caught more than he expected.

There are several trails available but one was closed due to bear activity. Therefore Zoe, Helen and I went up the next longest trail up Bald Hill.

It rained all day and the view wasn't that great from the top but after several long drives days it was pleasant to get some exercise.

I got off the bus in Jasper and walked around the town but its only a small place and the internet was poor but I did get to try several coffee shops and bars in my search for a decent connection and I tried the station.

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