Friday 22 February 2019



The last day in Paramaribo on the coast I went dolphin watching on a small boat in the estuary of the river. The dolphins came into the fresh water as there are more fish here and they are easier to catch but don't stay too long as they are seawater creatures but will tolerate some brackish water for food.

 The dolphins were always too quick for me so I ended up taking a lot of photos of just swirling water but these were my best two but not very good photos.

 Then we drove into the interior and past a giant dam at Brondoponto built in the 1960's to provide power to the city but also power for the local aluminium company to smelt bauxite ore into aluminium.
 A view across the reservoir behind the dam.
 A view of the road across the top of the dam with the turbine hall seen in the earlier photo just a white smudge at the base of the dam in the distance.
 Then it was further up river to go to an eco lodge to experience some jungle up close. The road stopped at Atjoni and the rest of the journey was done by boat.
 With no roads in the jungle, the main thoroughfare was the river and there were local boats on the river as well as ourselves.
The jungle was so thick that we saw no animals and we heard plenty of birds but they were just dark hopes against the bright sky. Several plants were pointed out with medicinal uses and others that could be eaten but nothing of unusual colour or shape. We also visited the local village who had huts to rent built in the traditional style.
 Inside the cabin.
 One of several local boats made from a hollowed out tree trunk.
 This was a difficult shot to take but this is a sloth but it didn't move so I couldn't get a better view.
 Most of the villagers are Christian but some 20% still follow traditional African religions. This is a Vinti shrine in the village.

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