Sunday 24 February 2019

Guyana Republic Day

Guyana Republic Day

Guyana used to be a British colony but it became a republic n 23rd February 1970 and it celebrates it in style with three months of events and climaxing with a formal parade and a flag raising ceremony in front of the president and prime minister at midnight. The military and high ranking officials probably go to bed but for many it is the start of a big party with street food, stalls selling all kinds of goods and informal bars selling cold drinks out of insulated and iced chill boxes. There is also a paint throwing contest on a stretch of waste ground on the outskirts of town and you are warned to go in old clothes even if you are not going to participate as paint gets everywhere.

Then there is a lull as celebrations move on to a big parade that starts at midday and continues well into the evening. It is commonly called Mash, short for Mashramani, a mixture of local Amerindian and Guyanese Creole words meaning 'celebration after cooperative work'. Probably the worst job for a policemen on Mash Day is crowd control as many people came to town for the celebrations from all over the country which also means that hotels are all full up and increase their prices.

Just one of many floats.
There is lots of loud music from the stalls as well as from the bands on the floats such as this steel band.
One of the government floats with large green thing above the mans head is an outline of the country with two colourful toucans on each side.
A contraption on wheels pulled by a single person representing the world surrounded by olive branches and a white dove symbolising world peace.
A Chinese red dragon representing hope and luck.
Some of the many walking followers behind one of the floats.
A man on stilts walking in front of his float.
A float in the form of a digger representing one of the construction companies taking part in the parade.

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