Monday 12 October 2015

Suchitoto Friday 9th October

Some photos of the Centro Arte para la Paz where we were staying and therefore supporting their work in the local community. Funds have been tight since the economic downturn but it is vital that their work continues to benefit children and families in the local area through workshops, art and music.

On offer were also boat ries to see birds and the sun set or sun rise. Plus cigar rolling exhibition which seemed  popular and the opportunity to buy a bunch of twenty five freshly hand rolled cigars.
 I had a chance to walk down to the local lake. lake Suckitlan...unfortunately it was a long way below the town down a steep path and despite eagerness to see it I never made it down to the waters edge although I could see that there was o beach as the water level had risen so much in the rainy season flooding land around the edge. Plus it had a lot of water weed floating on the surface.

the town was better i the light of morning plus the restaurant where we had had a local delicacy the night before, posadas, a stuffed tortilla.

 The town of Suchitoto is also famous for the site where Father Oscar Romero was assassinated on his altar by right wing death squads in March 1980 for speaking out against the government  against oppression of indigenous and working class peoples.
After Suchitoto we drove west to cross the border back into Guatemala and then take a circuitious route north and east to cross into Honuras and find our hotel in Ruinas Copan

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