Tuesday 2 May 2017

Cuidad Bolivar, Venezuela

We had left Brazil on the only road that connects it with Venezuela. We had got across the border but there was a problem with the truck. It didn't have the right stamps and documents and would need  senior officer to allow it into the country. No much official was available but the truck could drive on to the next town but would have to return to the border to get authorisation to go further into Venezuela. One problem with this was that the next day was a holiday so it would be the next day before any senior official would be able to consider our case.

We saw some great waterfalls en route such as this 47m high waterfall...

and I am not good with heights so this is one of me just a couple of metres from that deathly vertical plunge...and hence the anguished expression.
But the view from the top of the waterfall as good and I could appreciate it after I had moved away from the slippery algae covered smooth rocks and got a long way back from the edge.

And another view from the top of the river over the top of the waterfall.

We stopped at another waterfall and this was a lot less scary and despite being on the edge, here's a picture of a smiling me with the water crashing over the edge. If I slipped here it was a short plunge and a deep pool to dive into refreshingly cool water after a hot day...hence the smile!
After driving around Guyana City, we arrived in Cuidad Bolivar, a lovely old colonial era city on the banks of the Orinoco. There was a cathedral and a museum to see and a walk along the river bank over looking the Orinoco but not mu=ch else of interest to report or photograph.

We had a lovely quirky hotel on top of a hill surrounded by forest.

Inside it was full f charm and unusual features and a great place to stay. There were also very few other guests so it felt that we had the place to ourselves. A few views of the insides, the reception and communal area..
the view of the Orinoco from the open air restaurant...
the swimming pool...
and there were iguanas in most of the trees around the hotel.
From here we were flying in six seater Cessna's up to Canada National Park in order to go and see the highest waterfall in the world....Angel Falls. We took of from the local airport.
And we had a seventy minute ride to our destination. A selfie with Shane's shoulder on the right and Emma and Amy in the back seat.
Next stop would be Canaima.

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