Saturday 10 August 2024

Thakhet and Savannakhet

 Thakhet and Savannakhet 

On our way from the Spring River Resort and the King Lor Caves, we stopped at Thakhet for lunch, There is a bridge here across the Mekong, opened in 2011 and one of only  a handful across the river as building bridges across such a wide and fast flowing river is a challenge. There is also a special economic zone to encourage employment and development.

It was also to be a railway town with a train link to Tan Ap on the main railway line running north - south in Vietnam which was abandoned with only a few kilometres ever being built.

In 2005, western scientists first discovered the Loatian Rock Rat, in a Thakhet market, a new species unrelated to other living rodents and possibly linked to an extinct species more than 1 million years old.

Thaket has a sinister past as it was the location of a massacre of Lao women and children in March 1946 by French Empire forces as they tried to re-exert control over their colonies after the end of the Second World War.

Part of the monument to the women and children.

The monument. 

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