Monday 3 June 2024



We left Turkmenistan into Uzbekistan.

Our first stop was at Moynak, a former port on the Aral Sea. The sea has since shrunk to next to nothing.
Just one of several high and dry boats.
The Aral Sea in 1960.
What is left of the Aral Sea just 65 years later.
The lighthouse at the end of a promontory, overlooking...
,,,desert and a skeleton fleet.
We bushcamped at Ayaz Kala, a 3rd century BC fortress in the centre...
...and a 10th century fortress just to the left.
Next stop was Big Kirkkiz Kala...
...whose huge walls enclose a massive space...
... a view of the mub brick walls...
...another view inside the fortress.
A view along one of the irrigation ditches of Little Kirkkiz Kala just three kilometres away...
...a general view...
...inside the fortress...
...overlooking the walls...
...a detail of the mud bricks.
We had to walk there as the bridge wasn't safe... it had several holes...
...that could swallow a small car.

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