Wednesday 5 June 2024



The bridge built for the railway but shared with the link road between the old road that follows the river and the new motorway that cuts across the desert.
Lyabi Khause Square with its fountain, pond and camel statues. 
A view of the camels across the pond.
Kukaldosd Madrassa with its fine interiors overlookin the square.   
The entrance to the Nadir Divan Begi Khanaka museum that alsi overlooks the pond.
The entrance to the market in the old city.

A view out of the entrance towards the market.

Thr Ulug'bek Madrassa dating from the 15th century.
Next door is the trading market dome.
The 12th century Kalon Tower for which the city is famous.
The Kalan Mosque.
The Mir-a-Arab madrassa opposite.
The outer walls of the Zindam fortress with an archaeological dig happening in front. One section has been left ti indicate what it night hhave looked like without renovation.
One of the many corner towers.
The main entrance.
The Water Tower, now repaired and converted to a restaurant with a lift for visitors.
The palace overlooking Registan Square.

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