Saturday, 15 June 2024

Entry into Kyrgystan

 Entry into Kyrgystan 

It had been an uneventful all day journey from our bushcamp next to the Kaikarum Reservoir formed by the dam at that town. We had crossed the border from Tajikistan back into Uzbekistan to cross a finger of territory and across another border into Kyrgystan and into its second largest city of Osh.  

Not many cities have developed and engulfed a mountain but Osh has a distinctive natural feature in its centre of the Suiman Too, a seven peaked mountain. 
The city is ancient but little of any historial interst has survived. But the city is expanding and there is a lot of large projects being developed that will change the city skyline.
I always like to visit a local market...
...and the local bazaar in Osh has occupied the same place for thuosands of years and was a major trading space on the ancient Silk Road.
Just up from the bazaar is a funfair in a park with plenty of rides for young families...
...and dodgem cars...
...and plenty of side attractions, food opportuniies and other distractions to help part hard earned money from deep pockets.
The city is known for its mural arts...but this is a mosaic on the side of the Kyrgyz Theatre. 

The front of the theatre.
It had stood for so long and not moved that I couldn't not take a photo.
One of the surviving giant statues of Lenin.
At last, one of the Soviet murals. 

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