Wednesday 24 January 2018

Kakum National Park and Cape Coast

I stopped at Kakum National Park. After the amazing time that we had in Mole, this was going to be a challenge. It shuts at 4pm so we only had a couple of hours so it was just a short walk, plenty of flora but no fauna.

The entrance to the park.
Some of the visitor centre buildings.
Then we headed down to the beach for a few nights. The sand is soft but also easily eroded so there was a large seawall protecting the land.
We walked along the beach to get to the town of Cape Coast. Here is the end of the seawall.

And another view.
Something that you don't often see on the beach.

 Then our first view of one of the many slaves forts along the coast.

Opposite it is a bridge over the river to connect the fort and the town.
 Some of the older buildings in the town.

 The fish market with fish drying in the sun.
A close up of the drying fish.
The largest of the forts in the town.
Inside the fort with the door to the dungeons where the slaves were kept before being sent overseas.
The view of the fish market from the fort.
The front door of the fort.
The moat.
Some of the internal buildings.

 The fort opposite the main fort which was built to protect the town from a landward attack.
 inside the fort.
 A detail of one of the bastions.
Overlooking the entrance.
 The entrance from afar.
 The tower overlooking the entrance.
A view from the fort towards the larger of the forts
 The fish market from the fort.
The slat pans outside of the town which together with fishing and tourism are the mainstays of the local economy.
 One of the town beaches.
And then it was on to Accra for a few days.

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