Wednesday 10 January 2018

Guinea to Ivory Coast

Some more photos of termite hills the mushroom variety.
And another with a double roof.
And a f=general view of some mounds that have survived a fire next to a path.
It is dry season and there are plenty of burnt patches plus some fires that are still burning. The heat is intense and there is a loud sound of crackling as the grasses and twigs literally burst into flame.

And she of the damage dowe to the jungle after a fire has passed.
 A view of one of the overladen trucks and taxis that ply the routes between cities. Its not a good photo but it does convey the meaning of a full taxi. And yes that is a person sitting on the top.
 Another hazard on African roads. If you are not sure how deep a ford is you let someone else try it first.
 This isn't a photo of a construction site to show that some of the roads are being improved but it shows how red the ground is.
A typical seen where ever we stop. We are a constant source of entertainment for the locals who will just come over and line up and watch us.
A rubber plantation where we had a bush camp.
 We had crossed the border into Ivory coast and stopped at the capital, Yamoussoukro and an extravagant project to glorify the president but it is an interesting cathedral.

And lastly a colourful view of Abidjan and a taxi rank where the cars just stop rather than park in a line.

1 comment:

  1. Really like the photos in this post of the villagers, river crossing and rubber plantation.
