Wednesday 17 January 2018

Ivory Coast

I spent several days on the beach relaxing and enjoying it so much that I only took one photo as I was leaving, a picture of the car park in front of the hotel.
Then it was off to the border and heading north to get to the Mole National Park in neighbouring Ivory Coast. It was a long drive and we passed through several villages. This was a common sight outside Christian villages.
This is a cashew nut tree growing amongst a field of maize.
This is the actual fruit, a yellow fleshy part with the nut inside a smooth green case that grows out from underneath the fruit.
We stopped en route at the Kintampo Waterfalls. The first stage is a small fall where the water disappears into some large boulders to flow underground.
It emerges further down the valley from beneath a rock.
But the really impressive bit is where the water tumbles 70m down a steep cliff.
And to give an idea of scale, there is a photo of me.
And a close up just to be sure that it really is me.
 A common sight all over Africa is of a woman carrying loads on their heads. She stopped to watch aus pack our tents away after breakfast.
And then we got to Mole National Park.

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