Sunday, 2 February 2025



It was a two hour drive south from Mosul to reach Hatra. We had planned to visit it on our way north but for some reason, tickets are only available to buy from the office in Mosul, not on line or on the door. Hence the need to drive north to Mosul and then retrace our stps south.

The main gate into the city.

The large range of buildings at the heart of the complex.
Another view of the main range.
A closer photo. It was a thriving trading and religious centre and a buffer kingdon between the Roman empire and the Parthian empire. It was also one of the kingdoms in an arc of arab kingdoms that included Palmyra, Baalbek and Petra.
The city repelled repeated Roman attacks and during the 2nd century, it repulsed attacks by Trajan in 116 AD and Septimius Severus 198 AD. In the third century, it was betrayed, ransacked and abandoned. It was only rediscovered in the 19th century.

Parts of the city are well preserved.
There are many arches and columns still standing.
There are delicate carvings around doorways.

Many statues survive.
A detail of some carving...
...and the full view of the door.
A hole in one of the barrel vaulted ceilings.
A temple.

A range of arches.

The main temple.
Still standing columns.

A detail of a window.

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