Tuesday 14 May 2024

First full day in Armenia

 First full day in Armenia

Still no phots as too wet and misty.

We drove through the rain and down a valley into Dilijani. Our first stop was at the Tourist Information to pick up some local knowledge and maps. The maps were easy. Alan asked about steepness of roads, low hanging wires and gas pipes. The route was clear for Frida. There were two monasteries that we could reach and footpaths through forest, either circular or up to 12 kilometres back to Dilijani. 

I couldn't tie shoelaces so I was wearing sandals and my feet were wet and cold. We were due to bush camp but two people had already booked a hotel. Someone found an excellent and cheap hostel where the procedes went to the community. Our plans changed and we ditched the bush camp and upgraded.

The weather forecast was for more rain. I didn't fancy walking in the rain and cold. I ducked out and went to find my own hotel for the night.

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