Thursday, 7 November 2024

Litchfield National Park, Darwin

 Litchfield National Park, Darwin  

A Cathedral termite mound...just big like  cathedral...
...and a Magnetic termite mound, nothing to do with magnetism but they are orientated north - south so are warmed by the rising and setting suns but escape the heat of the midday sun. 
Sideway views of other Magnetic termite mounds.
A wood termite mound. They build their nests next to a tree and slowly eat away at the insides. Only 10% of termites eat wood, the others eat grass.
A Turkey Bush...but my guide didn't know why it was called a Turkey Bush.

The florence Falls.
A view of the river below the Florence Falls.
There are swimming opportunities here. The area had been checked for salties.

Then we had a viewpoint from the edge of the table plain out across the outback.

We stopped at the Sttauss Airfield. These were built at the start of the Second World War. There are 14 in total tat have received Heritage Status. There is not much to see beyond a few photo and an information board. Tere were named after pilots that hd been shot down. Captain Strauss was shot down by enemy aircraft over Darwin harbour.
There are cardboard cutouts of planes That flew from here.
Such as these two Hurricanes and Spitfires, plus the first one which one of my plane spotter friends will remind me what it's called.

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