Saturday, 19 November 2022

Reflections on El Camino

Reflections on El Camino 

Apologises for the poor photo but exciting next book is now available to pre-order through the publishers' website on the following link:

Plus, to celebrate the next book due to be published on 30.11.22, there is a special 25% off discount on their website. This code will expire on the 31st December 2022. Use code AUTHOR1022 at checkout.

Happy reading!

Plus, if you write a review on both Amazon and the publishers website, I will mail you a title of mine of your choice subject to availability.

Sunday, 13 November 2022

Remembrance Day Toppers

 Remembrance Day Toppers

Outside the Lynd Cross

Outside the Old Town Hall

Net to the Black Jug, very similar designs but with subtle differences and a popualr design but there are other...
One for the carrier pigeons, cavalry horses and sniffer dogs...
On the lamp posts in the town centre and surroiunding approach roads, there are giant poppies fixed to the m
..and white poppies...

...and the story surrounding them...

...and yet another in Park Rise.

Wednesday, 2 November 2022

Halloween in Horsham

                Halloween in Horsham                       


The Grim Reaper over seeing graves in someone's garden...

...the three witches...
...a threatening pumpkin...
---a giant spiders web...
                               ornamented garden and note the scary figure in the window...

...a skeleton in a shop window...

... the display in the local sweet shop...

...and even the local restaurants are getting in on the act.

Annother shop window if a fabric shop
And more pumpkins in the local off licence but note teh size of the cork screw