Thursday, 25 February 2021

Autumn colours

Autumn colours

As I walked around my home town in the autumn, I took a few photos of some of the brilliant colours associated with autumn such as the yellow leafed tree on my walking route into town.

Agree slowly turning from green to yellow to red before losing its leaves.
Another green yellow and red leaved tree.
On Peglers Way.
On the Arunside Walk.
A brilliant red in the park next to the Arun which will be great when it has grown bigger.
And another red leafed tree that was slowly losing its leaves.
Red is my favourite colour.
Ditto in the park. 
A young red tree.
One of my neighbours homage to Flowerpotmen and Halloween.

Reflections on El Camino

Reflections on El Camino

I have written the book (my tenth) and have agreed the cover with the publisher ( photo of the cover proof below) with  publication later in the year but no date has yet been set.