Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Across Iceland ride

Some time previously I rode from the north coast across the centre of the island, stopping at natural (and free) hot springs at Hveravellir, past the Longjokull glacier and finally to Thingvellir, the oldest parliament in the world.Plus it gives an opportunity to share a few more photos and test mt blogging skills.


In the deserted centre of Iceland is a volcano called Bardarbunga that has been erupting for several weeks. I have seen areas before an eruption and after an eruption but I have never seen n actual eruption. In 2008 I crossed the Eyjafjallajokull ice sheet and just two years later this volcano under the ice covered peak erupted throwing ash into the sly that caused havoc to European airspace.

I booked to go and have a look and whilst I was travelling, the eruption ceased...but I went to have a long anyway. This time I got close to the eruption but the authorities were not allowing anyone to get too close so \i only got to see a glow in the sky. I want to see the liquid rock up close, smell the sulphur, feel the heat on my face and have to keep moving your feet otherwise your shoes melt and stick to the hot rock.

I didn't get too close so I will be off again at the next eruption but will check that I can get up real close. But the journey to get there was rewarding and where the road ended, I left my four wheel drive vehicle and met a guide with a superjeep for the four hour journey across dirt roads at speeds up to 60mph into the desolate centre of the island.

I never tire of Icelands dramatic scenery with its mix of ice and glaciation, volcanoes and solidified lava flows, mountains and rivers and I will be back again.